The image shows the Assign Users page for selecting DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATORs. This text is shown bnelow the title: "To add users to the role, select indirect or assigned users below and click Assign." No search terms have been added to the Search bar. The magnifying glass icon is to its right. The Select All checkbox is unchecked. The table has an unselected checkbox in its leftmost column, followed by columns under these headers: First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone, Member Type. Seven rows of users are shown, with their accompanying data, some of which has been partially or completely obscured. Below the table is a status line that shows Page 1 of 454 has been selected (1-10 of 4540 items), a navigation aide with "1" selected and arrows for going forward or backward after the first page shown. There is a grayed-out OK button on the far right.