The image shows the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Classic Application Roles screen for the VisualBuilderStudioInstance[rest of name obscured] server instance. The Application Roles tab has been selected; the Details, Configuration, Web Tier Policy, Groups, and Users tabs have not. The Search bar shows "Search", indicating that no search term has been entered. To its right is an unchecked Select All checkbox, an Import link with a down arrow icon, and an Export link with an up arrow icon next to it. There is a list icon at the far right and it has been selected. Two data rows are shown. The first shows an unselected checkbox with a user icon with a key next to it, DEVELOPER_USER role with a description Developer Service User, and an action menu icon to its right. The second data row shows an unselected checkbox with a user icon with a key next to it, DEVELOPER_ADMINISTRATOR role with a description Developer Service Administrator, a user icon indicating that 3 users have been assigned, and an action menu icon to its right.