The image shows the OCI Domain overview screen for the VBStudioAppAUTO_etest-VBSAPP-08131966-8011 domain in the US West (Phoenix) region. The large green circle with the I in it indicates that the domain is active. It also says so just below the icon. There are two buttons to the icon's right: Deactivate (inactive) and Edit Application. The Application Information tab shows the Application ID (...280a47) followed by two links (Show and Copy), Description ([VBStudioAppAUTO] etest-VBSAPP-08131966-8011), Custom sign-in URL (-), Custom error URL (-), Display in My Apps (No), User can request access (No), Enforce grants as authorization (Disabled), Application Icon (cloud icon with a box under it), Application URL (-), Custom sign-out URL (-), and Custom social linking callback URL (-).