Manage Docker VMs

You can view, start, stop, or delete a Docker deployment VM,view the VM log from the Organization Administration page's Build Executors tab, or show available resources for the VM. You can also reset, view the log, or show available resources for the Docker management VM.

From the VM Pool tab, choose one of the actions shown in the following table:

Action How To
View a Docker deployment VM’s or Docker management VM's log Click Action Three horizontal dots and select Show Log. In the Docker Executor VM Log window, review the log.
Start or stop a Docker deployment VM Click Action Three horizontal dots and select Start or Stop.

To start or stop multiple Docker deployment VMs, select their check boxes, click Update Selected and select Start selected VMs or Stop selected VMs.

Delete a Docker deployment VM Click Action Three horizontal dots and select Delete. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

To delete multiple Docker deployment VMs, select their check boxes, click Update Selected and select Delete selected VMs.

Reset a Docker management VM Click Action Three horizontal dots and select Reset. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK
View and clean up VM resources Click Action Three horizontal dots and select Show Resources.. For more information, see Manage Docker VM Resources.
View the projects associated with a restricted Docker deployment VM. In the Restricted column, hover over Show restricted projects to view the projects associated with the VM.