Reset Docker and Move to VM Build Executors

If you want to run your organization's builds on VM build executor, you can reset Docker on the Management VM from the Organization page's Build Executors tab.


If you reset Docker, all of your VMs and images will be destroyed and your VM executors will need to be created from scratch. Capture the details of your images and deployment VMs before you begin so they can be recreated manually when you switch to VM executors.
  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click the Build Executors tab.
  3. Click the VM Pool tab.
  4. For the Management VM, click Three horizontal dots and select Reset.
  5. In the Delete Docker Deployment VM dialog box, click OK.
When you've finished with the migration, you will need to create the VM build executors. See Add and Manage VM Build Executors.