A Set Up Oracle Visual Builder Studio (Non-Native)


This appendix explains how to create and set up your VB Studio instance if you are running VB Studio non-natively on underpinnings that are not OCI Generation 2. All the information that applies to the non-native setup and configuration is self-contained in this appendix.

Like other Oracle Cloud services, you must create an instance of Oracle Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) before you can start using it. You can create only one VB Studio instance in an Oracle Cloud account.

VB Studio Generation 2 refers to VB Studio running natively on Oracle Cloud Generation 2 Infrastructure. This appendix addresses setting up VB Studio that is not running natively on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


It’s important that you determine if you’re running on Gen 2 so you know which chapter to read for set-up instructions. Let’s do a quick test: Open the OCI console, then open Developer Services. Scan the list for VB Studio. If you see it, that means you are running natively on OCI, and should refer to Create an Oracle Visual Builder Studio Generation 2 Instance instead of this appendix. If you don’t see it, then this appendix is the one you need.

Here's a summary of the initial set up steps for VB Studio:

To perform this action: See this: Why do I need to perform this action?
1. Get the right IDCS roles. Get the Right IDCS Roles To create and set up the VB Studio instance, you must be assigned some specific IDCS roles.
2. Create the VB Studio instance. Create the VB Studio Instance To use any Oracle Cloud service, you must first create an instance of the service. If you're an Oracle Cloud Applications user, you don't need to create a VB Studio instance as an instance is provisioned with your first Oracle Cloud Applications instance.
3. Set up OCI connections. Configure Your OCI Resources for CI/CD You need a connection to OCI Compute VMs because this is where your VB Studio builds will run.
4. Set the build system up for CI/CD. Set Up VB Studio for CI/CD Builds in VB Studio run on VM build executors. Only VB Studio administrators can create and manage the VM build executors.
5. (Optional) Set your user preferences. Set Your User Preferences To change your display name, set an avatar image, change the email address, or set email notification preferences.

After you finish creating an instance and setting it up, you will need to do some additional set up if you are developing visual applications or extending Oracle Cloud applications.


If you are developing other types of applications using popular build frameworks such as Maven, Gradle, Ant, and Node.js; or standard infrastructure interfaces such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform, you are ready to start building your application.
To perform this action: See this:
Set up VB Studio to customize Oracle Cloud Applications through extensions Set Up VB Studio to Extend Oracle Cloud Applications
Set up VB Studio to develop visual applications and deploy them to Visual Builder instances Set Up VB Studio for Developing Visual Applications