Can I Log in Using SSO?

SSO federated identity credentials can be used with VB Studio in limited situations.

Here are some guidelines for using federated identity credentials with VB Studio:

  • Federated identity is not supported for adding a Visual Builder instance to an environment using basic authentication credentials. You need IDCS user credentials to add the service instance.
  • You can use SSO to access the Visual Builder instance, but you must use IDCS user and basic authentication credentials when setting up environments and deployment jobs.
  • If the Visual Builder instance is in an identity domain other than the one being used for VB Studio, use the Visual Builder Credentials option when setting up the environment, and specify the basic authentication user ID and password from the target IDCS instance.
  • For a Visual Builder instance in the same identity domain as VB Studio, you can use either basic authentication or an IDCS resource, but there still must be an IDCS user in that identity domain for deployments and service instance connections.

For information on adding users to IDCS, see Add Users to IDCS.