Connect to Oracle Content Management REST APIs

You can connect to Oracle Content Management REST APIs using identity propagation or fixed credentials.

Connect to Oracle Content Management REST APIs Using Identity Propagation

Oracle Content Management and VB Studio are not provisioned together so the service administrator needs to perform the following steps in IDCS to add Oracle Content Management as a resource of the VB Studio application.

This adds Oracle Content Management as a resource to a specific application, so the administrator would need to perform these steps again for each new VB Studio application, as well as for each new version of an application and duplicate of an application that connects to Oracle Content Management using identity propagation.

  1. In the Configuration tab for the VB Studio application in IDCS, expand the Client Configuration panel, and click Add Scope in the Token Issuance Policy section.
  2. In the Select Scope dialog box, choose the scope corresponding to the Oracle Content Management instance "/documents" endpoint and save the application. The added scope should now be visible in the Application in the Resources list.

    If other Oracle Content Management functionality (for example, Social) is required, the corresponding scope will need to be added.

After the administrator has added the resource in IDCS, you can create a connection to Oracle Content Management with identity propagation. If you don't have access to IDCS, the administrator will need to provide you with the Oracle Content Management scope that you need to enter in the Authentication tab.

When creating the service connection, you use the following authentication method for the service connection:

Authentication method Details
OAuth 2.0 User Assertion

To use this option you need to provide the following details:

  • Client ID and Secret: Leave blank.
  • Token URL: Leave blank.
  • Scope: The scope added from IDCS that corresponds to the Oracle Content Management instance. This is the full scope, including "/documents".

To connect to Oracle Content Management:

  1. Open Services in the Navigator, click the + sign, and select Service Connection.
  2. Click Define by Endpoint in the Select Source step of the Create Service Connection wizard.
  3. Select the HTTP method and enter the URL of the Oracle Content Management endpoint.
    For example, the URL of your endpoint might be similar to the following: https://<Oracle_Content_Management_instance>/documents/api/<VERSION>/folders/{folderId}
  4. In the Authentication section of the Server tab, select OAuth 2.0 User Assertion as the authentication method.
  5. In the Scope field, enter the scope corresponding to the Oracle Content Management instance that was added in IDCS.
    The Client Id, Secret, and Token URL fields are blank.
  6. Test the service connection.
  7. Optional: If you want to make the service connection accessible to anonymous users of the app, select the Allow anonymous access to the Service Connection Infrastructure check box in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab. Use the Authentication for anonymous users drop-down list to configure an authentication type for anonymous users.

Connect to Oracle Content Management REST APIs Using Fixed Credentials

To connect to Oracle Content Management using fixed credentials, the Oracle Content Management and VB Studio instances do not need to be located in the same domain or governed by the same IDCS instance. You can use Basic or OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password authentication for the service connection.

If you want to use Basic authentication for the connection to Oracle Content Management, you need to provide a user name and password that are valid in IDCS.

If you want to use OAuth flows for authenticating your connection to Oracle Content Management, you need to retrieve details about the Client Secret, Client Id, and the URL associated with the scope that you want to access. Typically, the scope you will want to access will be "/documents", but if you want to access other Oracle Content Management functionality (for example, Social), you'll need the URL that corresponds to its scope. If you don't have access to the IDCS instance used by Oracle Content Management, you'll need to request the details from a user with access to the instance.

To retrieve the details of the Oracle Content Management application from IDCS:

  1. In the Configuration tab for the Oracle Content Management application in IDCS that represents the Oracle Content Management instance, expand the General Information panel and note the Client ID and Client Secret.

    The name of the Oracle Content Management application will usually be similar to CECSXXX_<instance name>.

  2. Expand the Resources panel in the Configuration tab and note the URL for the scope you want, typically the scope corresponding to the Oracle Content Management instance "/documents" endpoint. The URL will be similar to https://<primary audience url>/documents.

    If other Oracle Content Management functionality (for example, Social) is required, you'll need to note the URL for the corresponding scope.

When creating the service connection, you can use one of the following authentication methods for the service connection:

Authentication method Details

To use this option you need to provide the following details:

  • User name and Password: Valid credentials of any user from IDCS.
OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password

To use this option you need to provide the following details:

  • Client ID and Secret: Get from the Oracle Content Management application in IDCS.
  • User name and Password: Valid credentials of any user with access to the Oracle Content Management REST endpoint.
  • Token URL: The URL for the endpoint used to obtain an access token from IDCS, in the form of <base_URL_corresponding_to_Oracle_Content_Management_in_IDCS>/oauth2/v1/token.
  • Scope. Get from the Oracle Content Management application in IDCS.

If you don't have access to IDCS, get the Oracle Content Management application details from an administrator.

To connect to Oracle Content Management using fixed credentials:

  1. Open Services in the Navigator, click the + sign, and select Service Connection.
  2. Click Define by Endpoint in the Select Source step of the Create Service Connection wizard.
  3. Select the HTTP method and enter the URL of the Oracle Content Management endpoint.
    For example, the URL of your endpoint might be similar to the following: https://<Oracle_Content_Management_instance>/documents/api/<VERSION>/folders/{folderId}
  4. In the Authentication section of the Server tab, select OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Credentials as the authentication method.
  5. Enter the details for the Client Id, Client Secret, Scope, and Token URL.
    The Client Id, Client Secret, and Scope details are the ones that you noted for the Oracle Content Management application in IDCS.
  6. Test the service connection.
  7. Optional: If you want to make the service connection accessible to anonymous user of the app, select the Allow anonymous access to the Service Connection Infrastructure check box in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab. Use the Authentication for anonymous users drop-down list to configure an authentication type for anonymous users.