Create a Backend

If your environment does not include Oracle-provided backends such as Integration Applications, Oracle Cloud Applications, or Process Automation, you can add these backends to create an application-level catalog for your visual application. You can create only one instance of each backend in your visual application.

The high-level steps to add a backend are the same for each backend and involve providing the URL of the instance that hosts the backend service, authentication method to access the instance, and so on.

Let's say you want to add the Oracle Cloud Applications backend: You supply the URL of your Oracle Cloud Applications instance (for example, This will automatically discover the interfaceCatalogs endpoint (typically Oracle Cloud Applications Base URL/helpPortalApi/otherResources/latest/interfaceCatalogs) of your Oracle Cloud Applications instance and retrieve the list of available services from the most recent ADF Describe.

To create a backend that connects you to the Integration Applications, Oracle Cloud Applications, or Process Automation catalog:

  1. Click Services in the Navigator.
  2. In the Services pane, click + sign and select Backend.
  3. In the Create Backend wizard, select the backend you want to create:
    • To register an Oracle Cloud Applications instance as a backend, click Oracle Cloud Applications Instance.
    • To register an Integrations instance as a backend, click Integrations.
    • To register an Oracle Process Automation instance as a backend, click Oracle Process Automation.
  4. Enter the instance URL and other information, such as authentication details and headers, that your visual application requires to successfully connect to the backend.
  5. Click Create.
The newly registered backend shows up in the Backends tab.

It is possible to edit all the server details (instance URL, authentication method, headers, connection type, and so on) after the backend is registered. You can also specify more than one server that provides access to the backend by adding additional servers that host the backend. See Edit a Backend.

To create a service connection to your backend, click + Service Connection. See Create Service Connections from the Oracle Cloud Applications or Integration Applications Catalog.