6 Develop Your Application

To develop your application, you must have a visual application workspace, which, among other things, provides access to a Git repository where your work is stored.

If you're already in the Designer (with your screen looking something like this), that means you have a workspace and can get to work:
Description of starterapp.png follows
Description of the illustration starterapp.png

If your screen doesn't look like this, you need to create a visual application workspace and add web (and mobile) apps to it.

To develop your web (or mobile) application, you create and edit the building blocks that determine how your application looks and behaves. The basic building blocks of an application are user interface components, variables, action chains, page flows and page navigation, JavaScript functions, and data access through REST endpoints.

VB Studio doesn't impose any particular order for developing your application. How you proceed is entirely up to you and determined by the way you planned your application. If you already know the structure of your objects or the data sources you want to use, you might want to start by defining business objects and service connections. Alternatively, you can start with your application's pages and create the artifacts that add functionality to your pages. For example, you might start by defining page variables and creating action chains, in addition to positioning components on the page. All of this can be done effortlessly in the Designer. Keep reading to familiarize yourself with how apps are structured, what scopes are, and which editors you'd use to work with different artifacts.

Further, as you work on your app and progress through the app dev lifecycle: