
Performs an operation with a remote visual application (in other words, an application that exists on a Visual Builder instance).

The following table describes the only supported operation for the vb-application task:

Detail Description
delete Deletes a remote application from the Visual Builder instance, for example:

grunt vb-application:delete --id=myApp --ver=1.0 --delete-application --url=https://myvb.oracle.com --username=me@oracle.com --password=foo

The following tables describe the options for the vb-application task:

Application selection options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
id yes n/a ID of the visual application you're going to build.
ver yes n/a Version of the visual application.
url[:dt] yes n/a Your Visual Builder instance URL. The dt suffix is optional.

Authentication options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
username[:dt] no n/a The username to be used to obtain OAuth access token for further communication with Visual Builder services. The dt suffix is optional.
password[:dt] no n/a The password to be used to obtain OAuth access token for further communication with Visual Builder services. The dt suffix is optional.

A password specified via the --password Grunt option may need to be enclosed in single quotation marks (') if it contains special characters. In general, it's advisable to always use quotation marks for the --password option, especially in VB Studio jobs where the password is provided via a job variable. For example: grunt vb-deploy '--password=Jkl@#&!%^23' ....

accessToken[:dt] no n/a The value of an OAuth access token. If provided, username and password options are not necessary. The dt suffix is optional.
sslCertificate[:dt] no n/a The path to the SSL certificate for the connection to VB Studio instances provisioned with self-signed certificates. The dt suffix is optional.

Other options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
delete-application yes n/a You need to add --delete-application to be able to run vb-application:delete task. This is required as confirmation of your intention to delete the application.