
Transfers a visual application's credentials from VB Studio to the Visual Builder runtime instance where the visual application is deployed.

The transfer includes any basic authentication service credentials stored for the visual application in VB Studio.

Run the vb-credentials task when you first use the vb-deploy task to deploy a visual application to the Visual Builder instance or after you change any of the previously used credentials in VB Studio.

./node_modules/.bin/grunt grunt vb-credentials:transfer \
    --url=<design-time-instance-url> \
    --username=mary.jane@example.com \
    --password=Welcomeuser123 \

The following table describes the subtasks, hooks, and inputs and outputs of the vb-credentials task:

Detail Description
subtasks n/a
multitask n/a
hooks n/a
input n/a
output n/a
The following table describes the task target of the vb-credentials task:
Detail Default Target Description
transfer n/a Transfers credentials.

The following tables describe the options for the vb-credentials task:

Authentication options
Name Mandatory Default Value Description
url[:dt] n/a n/a URL of your VB Studio instance containing the project where your code resides. Pattern of the URL:


  • orgid is the first path segment of the VB Studio URL
  • projectid is the project ID, which can be found in the Properties pane on the Project Administration page. For "myproject1" the value would be something like vbstudio-solar1-paas-iad_myproject1_17809

So the URL might look something like: https://<hostname>/vbstudio-solar1-paasdevdevcs-iad/s/vbstudio-solar1-paas-iad_myproject1_17809/vbdt

The dt suffix is optional.

username[:dt] no n/a The username to be used to obtain OAuth access token for further communication with Visual Builder services. The dt suffix is optional.
password[:dt] no n/a The password to be used to obtain OAuth access token for further communication with Visual Builder services. The dt suffix is optional.

A password specified via the --password Grunt option may need to be enclosed in single quotation marks (') if it contains special characters. In general, it's advisable to always use quotation marks for the --password option, especially in VB Studio jobs where the password is provided via a job variable. For example: grunt vb-deploy '--password=Jkl@#&!%^23' ....

accessToken[:dt] no n/a The value of an OAuth access token, which can be found in your workspace's Settings editor. In the workspace's header menu, click Settings, then Business Objects. Click Get Access Token and look for the Access Token Value. If provided, username and password options are not necessary. The dt suffix is optional.
sslCertificate[:dt] no n/a The path to the SSL certificate for the connection to VB Studio instances provisioned with self-signed certificates. The dt suffix is optional.

You can specify the origin (protocol+hostname) of the VB Studio server, instead of passing the url option. For example:



You will also need to provide the orgid and projectid options.

You can specify the organization ID (orgid), instead of passing the url option. For example:



You will also need to provide the origin and projectid options.

You can specify the project ID(projectid), instead of passing the url option. (You can find the project ID on the Project Administration page.) For example:



You will also need to provide the origin and orgid options.
Other options
Name Mandatory Default Value Description
remote-app-name n/a Read from rootURL key in ${gitSources}/visual-application.json. Name (rootUrl) of the visual application on the Visual Builder runtime instance (for example, marek2).
git-repository-url n/a Git repository URL read from ${gitSources}/.git/config Full URL of the Git repository that stores the visual application (for example, https://vbstudio-solar-ideqaauto-paasdevdevcs-iad.developer.test.ocp.oc-test.com/vbstudio-solar-ideqaauto-paasdevdevcs-iad/s/vbstudio-solar-ideqaauto-paasdevdevcs-iad_marek2_20900/scm/marek2.git).
environment-id n/a n/a Name of the associated VB Studio environment, which can be found on your project's Environments page as the environments?id value in the URL. Either this option or environment-name must be specified.
environment-name n/a n/a Name of the associated VB Studio environment, which can be found in the Details tab on your project's Environments page as the Environment Name value (for example, Development). Either this option or environment-id must be specified.