
This task deploys a visual application to a Visual Builder runtime instance or an application extension to an Oracle Cloud Application.

You must build visual applications and extensions using the vb-process-local task before you use the vb-deploy task.

The following table describes the subtasks, hooks and inputs and outputs of the vb-deploy task:

Detail Description
subtasks n/a
multitask n/a
hooks n/a
input build/processed/*, build/optimized/*
output build/deploy.zip

The following tables describe the options for a visual application when using the vb-deploy task.

Application selection task options for visual applications

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
id yes Read from the rootURL attribute in visual-application.json ID of the visual application you're going to build, which can be found in your workspace's Settings editor. In the workspace's header menu, click Settings and look for the Root URL value.
ver yes Read from version attribute in visual-application.json Version of the visual application, which can be found in your workspace's Settings editor. In the workspace's header menu, click Settings and look for the Version value.
url[:rt] yes n/a

A Visual Builder runtime service URL, which can be found on your project's Environments page. On the Service Instances tab, drill down to your Visual Builder instance's details and look for the Service URI value.

The rt suffix is optional.

profileId no n/a Application profile ID, which can be found in your workspace's Settings editor. In the workspace's header menu, click Settings, then Application Profiles. Click Rename for the application profile you want to use and look for the ID value.
remoteProjectId no n/a ID of the source project, which can be found in your workspace's Settings editor. In the workspace's header menu, click Settings and look for the Project Name value.
remoteGitRepo no n/a URL of the source Git repository, which can be found on your project's Git page. Click your project's Git tab and from the Clone drop-down list, copy the HTTPS URL to any text editor. Remove the user name (for example, mary.jane@) in the URL and construct your URL.

Visual application authentication options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
username[:rt] no n/a The username to be used to obtain OAuth access token for further communication with Visual Builder runtime.

The rt suffix is optional.

password[:rt] no n/a The password to be used to obtain OAuth access token for further communication with Visual Builder runtime.

The rt suffix is optional.

A password specified via the --password Grunt option may need to be enclosed in single quotation marks (') if it contains special characters. In general, it's advisable to always use quotation marks for the --password option, especially in VB Studio jobs where the password is provided via a job variable. For example: grunt vb-deploy '--password=Jkl@#&!%^23' ....

accessToken[:rt] no n/a The value of OAuth access token, which can be found in your workspace's Settings editor. In the workspace's header menu, click Settings, then Business Objects. Click Get Access Token and look for the Access Token Value. If provided, username and password options are not necessary.

The rt suffix is optional.

sslCertificate[:rt] no n/a The path to the SSL certificate for the connection to VB Studio instances provisioned with self-signed certificates.

The rt suffix is optional.

Visual application build options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
target no build Name of build directory.

Visual application data processing options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
schema no new Specifies data schema processing during application deployment. The value can be:
  • new to create a new data schema

  • dev to use the data schema from development

  • stage to use the data schema from the previous shared version of the application

  • live to use the data schema from the previous live version of the application

Other options for visual applications

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
publish no false Defines whether the deployed application should be published or not.
forceProject no n/a Forces a previously deployed application to be redeployed from another project and/or Git repository to the same Visual Builder runtime instance. Set this option to true when you've already deployed an application to your Visual Builder runtime instance and want to deploy the same app from a different project and/or Git repo.
Application selection options for application extensions
Name Mandatory Default Value Description
url[:em] yes n/a

URL of the base Oracle Cloud Application. The em suffix is optional.

Authentication options for application extensions
Name Mandatory Default Value Description
username[:em] no n/a The username to access the extension manager. The em suffix is optional.
password[:em] no n/a The password to access the extension manager. The em suffix is optional.

A password specified via the --password Grunt option may need to be enclosed in single quotation marks (') if it contains special characters. In general, it's advisable to always use quotation marks for the --password option, especially in VB Studio jobs where the password is provided via a job variable. For example: grunt vb-deploy '--password=Jkl@#&!%^23' ....