Manage All Tests in a Visual Application

When you define multiple tests for each action chain in an app, it might be easier to manage tests for all apps in a visual application, rather than for each app. You can do this using the Tests tab at the bottom of your browser.

This aggregate view helps you get a quick look at the status of all action chain tests in a visual application. When tests fail, you can use this view to quickly access the editor for each failed test and take action as needed.

While you can also run all tests in your application from here, it isn't really required if you've already triggered them. Action chain tests run in the background, even when you're not actively working on your application, and the results are saved. So if you are working on an application, only tests impacted by your changes (for example, if you added a new variable or updated an existing function) are scheduled to run again. You'll likely see something similar to this image until VB Studio actually runs those tests for you (after 10 seconds of inactivity):
Description of tests-interim-vbs1.png follows
Description of the illustration tests-interim-vbs1.png

This way, your test results are always available and up-to-date, and you can rely on them to identify and fix breaking-code changes.