Reload Data from Application Sources

For business objects marked as application setup data, if your development database schema does not show the most up-to-date data (say, because the object's data was updated as part of a Git merge), you'll need to reload data from the application's sources.

When a business object is identified as containing application setup data, its data is considered application metadata and is stored in the entity-data.csv file as part of the application's sources. Any time you update the object's data, either by editing it directly in the Data tab or by importing files through the Data Manager, your updates take effect in the entity-data.csv file and reflect automatically in your development database schema. Sometimes though, if this data is updated as part of a Git merge, your database might not show those updates. This can happen when two users update data on their own Git branches and then merge those updates to the default branch (main, for example), or even when you switch branches in your Git repository. You'll then need to get these updates by reloading the entity-data.csv file from the application's sources to your database schema.

To reload data from the application's sources:

  1. Select the business object marked as containing application setup data.
  2. Click Data.
  3. Click the option to reload setup data from application sources (Reload Setup Data from Application Sources icon).
  4. After data is imported from the entity-data.csv file, click Close.
Your development database schema reflects the current version of the entity-data.csv file.