Start an Action Chain By Firing a Custom Event

You can start an action from another action chain using a custom event, which is triggered by the Fire Event action in an action chain. Typically, you use a custom event when you want to trigger a notification, like displaying a pop-up window with a message, or perhaps to transform some data. After creating a custom event, you need to create an event listener for it to start the action chain.

Each custom event has a Behavior property, which you can use to set whether action chains run serially or in parallel. The default behavior is "Notify", which allows the action chains to run in parallel. For more about setting an event's Behavior property, see Choose How Custom Events Call Event Listeners.

To start an action chain with a custom event:

  1. Open the Actions tab for a page, flow, or application.
  2. Select the action chain you want to edit. The action chain opens in the Action Chain editor. If you want to create a new action chain, click + Action Chain.
  3. In the Action chain editor, drag the Fire Event action from the palette and drop it in the action chain where you want the event to occur.
  4. In the Fire Event action's Properties pane, specify the Event Name.

    If you are using the Fire Event action to trigger a new custom event, click Create, enter an Event ID, and specify the event's scope. If you want to trigger a custom event that already exists, you can select it in the drop-down list.
    Description of fire-event.png follows
    Description of the illustration fire-event.png

    After creating or selecting the event, you can click Go to Custom Event in the Properties pane if you want to edit the event's Behavior or Payload properties in the Events editor.

  5. Create an event listener for your event:
    1. Open the Event Listeners tab and click + Event Listener to open the Create Event Listener wizard.
    2. Select the custom event you added to your action chain. Click Next.
    3. Select the action chain you want the event to trigger. Click Finish.


    If you're on the Events tab, simply right-click your custom event and click Create Event Listener to create an event listener, called (eventId)Listener, in the same scope as the event.