What Are Service Connections?

To work with an external service's REST API, VB Studio needs basic information about that service. A service connection provides this information by describing the connection to the service, including connection details, properties, and the REST endpoints provided by the service that you want to use in your application.

You can create a service connection in the following ways:
  • By selecting a service from a catalog of preconfigured Oracle SaaS/PaaS REST services
  • By providing a Swagger or ADF-Describe specification that describes the external service
  • By providing the location of a REST endpoint for the external service

A VB Studio catalog of predefined services includes backends, such as Oracle Cloud Applications and Integration Applications. These backends expose REST APIs that your visual application can consume right out of the box. You can also create custom backends to access services that aren't listed in this catalog, either by providing the service specification or by providing the URL of a REST endpoint of the service.

Use the Services tab in the Navigator to add new service connections and manage your existing ones. You can also manage your application’s catalog of backends here:
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