What is Oracle Visual Builder Studio?

Oracle Visual Builder Studio (or VB Studio, for short) is an integrated development platform that helps your team effectively plan and manage your work throughout the application's lifecycle. It combines the simplicity of a visual development environment with powerful management tools to streamline application development and deliver modern, innovative user experiences.

With VB Studio, you can create standalone enterprise apps as well as tailor Oracle Cloud Applications for your needs—something for everyone on your team:
  • Oracle Cloud Application developers can configure and extend their applications with business-specific customizations;
  • Low-code developers can use a visual designer to quickly build apps for desktop as well as mobile devices;
  • Experienced programmers can modify the source code for apps created by others, or develop bespoke apps using the web programming language of their choice.
An easy-to-use visual and declarative environment allows you to simply drag and drop a rich set of UI components—all based on Oracle JET (JavaScript Extension Toolkit)—to rapidly build engaging and responsive apps. This development environment is tightly integrated with DevOps tools to manage the software lifecycle and automate the development environment and includes:
  • Git-based code management that allows you to manage versions, collaborate with teammates, and conduct peer reviews.
  • Agile dashboards, issue tracking systems, wikis, and sprint management utilities that help team members communicate and track progress,
  • Automated builds and pipelines (that also support a variety of popular build and test frameworks) for continuous integration and delivery.

All this and more make VB Studio a complete solution to simplify application development and accelerate time to market. Take a look at this video to learn more: