Work with the Component Exchange

The Component Exchange is a repository of components that can be installed in your VB Studio instance.

Your VB Studio instance administrator specifies the Component Exchange that is associated with the instance. All developers in the instance are able to use the same set of components. The exchange contains a set of default components that have been provided by Oracle, and any components that other developers have published to your exchange.

The Components tab in the Navigator helps you to install and manage the components that you download from the Component Exchange.
Description of component-exchange-installed.png follows
Description of the illustration component-exchange-installed.png

The Components tab has the following tabs for locating and managing components from the exchange:
  • Browse: Use to search the Component Exchange for components that can be installed, to open a component's details page, and to install components.
  • Installed: Use to view a list of installed components. The tab displays details about each component, and components are badged to indicate warnings or available updates.
  • Updates: Use to view a list of available updates and to update components to the latest version.
  • Recommended: Use to view suggested components based on what you've installed. For example, if you installed the Input text with type-ahead component, other components in the oj-sample JET pack might be recommended. By default, components in the Dynamic UI pack are always listed.