Work with HTTP-based Endpoints

VB Studio uses HTTPS for its applications, and we recommend also using HTTPS for all service connections to external endpoints.

If you use an HTTP-based URL to create a service connection for development purposes, it will always be routed via the VB Proxy irrespective of the connection type and then to the actual HTTP service. This is because visual applications run on HTTPS and are not allowed to call an HTTP endpoint directly, that is using browser JavaScript. From the VB Proxy to the HTTP endpoint, the call is routed through HTTP. You will get a warning in the Server tab (shown below) when you provide an instance URL that uses HTTP.

Description of visual-app-httpwarning.png follows
Description of the illustration visual-app-httpwarning.png

Use of HTTP is discouraged because the credentials that access the HTTP service are visible over the network. These credentials are not encrypted, as in case of HTTPS). This makes HTTP services vulnerable.