7 Work With Pages and Flows

Your web (or mobile) application can have multiple flows, each of which can contain multiple pages. Every application has a default flow, and every flow has a default page.

A flow is a group of one or more pages that you treat as an independent unit. It provides a way for you to split your application's logic into modules; for example, an expenses app might have one flow to group the pages where users create and edit expense reports, and another to group the pages where managers approve or reject expense reports

Your application's pages are what your users see and interact with. You can build just about any type of page in VB Studio—simply drag and drop UI components onto the page, customize their behavior, and arrange them however you want. To display your data, you'd connect these components to REST services through your own business objects or service connections.

VB Studio gives you access to a rich set of UI components to build your page, from static ones like heading and avatar to charts and gauges that visualize data, even dynamic components that display content based on rules you define. You also have access to Redwood layouts, styles, and templates based on the Oracle standard for user experience. You can use these components—all based on Oracle JET—to create rich, attractive pages.

Typically, you'll design an overview page (using collection components like a table or list) to display your data, then add other pages to let users interact with that data. Once you have your overview page, you can use quick starts to add pages that provide common functionality, for example, a page to create a new record or one that displays the details of a row selected in a table or list.

All of this is done within a declarative and visual development environment known as the Page Designer, where what you see is really what you get. For advanced use cases, you can always write custom code using standard HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS techniques.