Add Content From a Custom Object to Your Page

You can add components to a dynamic container section to show data from any data resource available to your extension. The data resource can be one defined in a dependency, or in a service connection you've added to your extension. For more on using service connections, see Work With Services.

The component can be one of the standard components available in the Components palette, but it could also be a component provided in your extension's dependencies. For example, if you've created a custom child object in your Oracle Cloud Application, you can display the object's data by adding a component, such as a form or table component, to a container section, and then binding the component to the data source.

To add a component that displays data from an Oracle Cloud Application endpoint:

  1. In the Page Designer, select the dynamic container where you want to display the data.
  2. Click Layout Preview in the case where you want to add the component.

    Activating a case's Layout Preview forces the Page Designer to display that case on the canvas, so you can see the components as they will look in the page. When a case is visible in the Page Designer, you can drag components directly into its sections from the Components palette:

    In the image above, the case already has a section named Form Section that we can use for the new component.

  3. In the Page Designer, open the Data palette and locate the endpoint for the data you want to display in the component.

    The Data palette lists the accessible endpoints from your extension's dependencies and service connections.

  4. Drag the endpoint from the Data palette and drop it onto the section on the canvas.

    You can also drag components and endpoints into the Structure view.

    In the image below, you can see an object's endpoints (1) in the Data palette, and an empty section (2) in the container.

  5. After dropping the endpoint on the section, select the component you want to add from the menu.

    The component options in the menu will depend on the type of endpoint that you dropped in the section. In this example using a Get Many endpoint, you could use either a list or table to render the data. You can choose if the component is dynamic or not, depending on your needs:

    In this example, we'll add a dynamic form component. The Configure Layout wizard opens automatically when you select a dynamic component.

  6. In the Configure Layout wizard:
    1. Click Select fields to display, then select the fields you want to display in the component.

      If you're binding a dynamic component to an endpoint which doesn't have a Layout, you'll need to enter the details to create a new rule set for the component. The wizard will create a Layout for the endpoint. Select Enable Extensions in the wizard if you want to make the new rule set extendable:

      If a Layout for the endpoint already exists, you can create a new rule set, but there might already be some rule sets you could use instead of creating a new one. The Layout might also have templates that you can select in the wizard instead of selecting the fields.

    2. Click Next.
    3. Define the parameters for querying the endpoint. Click Finish.
    After you finish the wizard, you'll see the component rendered in the container in the Page Designer.