Add Transforms

Transforms are JavaScript functions that transform the format of data and parameters for REST requests and the format of data from REST responses. Request transforms are typically for sorting, filtering, and so on, while response transforms are typically for formatting data and retrieving paging metadata.

Transforms perform these actions:
  • Filtering, to specify the data to be returned and displayed.
  • Sorting, to sort items returned from a collection resource.
  • Pagination, to limit the number of records that are displayed on a page.

A transform can be a:

  • Require.js module, such as vb/BusinessObjectTransforms (default transform for an Oracle Cloud Applications backend)
  • File path that's relative to the service connection, such as ./transforms.js
  • URL, such as

The Oracle Cloud Applications backend has built-in business object REST API transforms (vb/BusinessObjectTransforms) that are applied by default. When you create a related service connection using the Select from Catalog option of the Create a Service Connection wizard, the service connection and its endpoints inherit the backend's built-in transforms. Similarly, ADF Describe backends have pre-defined transforms that are applied by default.

Transforms can be applied at the service level or the instance level:
  • Service Level Transforms: Applied to a backend, child backend, service connection, or endpoint.
  • Instance Level Transforms: Applied to a Service Data Provider (SDP) or a Call REST action as individual functions.

For the sake of consolidation and simplification, it's best to use only service level transforms, with one exception. Visual Builder business objects are pre-configured with out-of-the-box transforms (vb/BusinessObjectTransforms) and can’t be changed. If you need to change a transform for a business object, you can use instance level transforms.

You can find more details about adding transforms to an SDP or a Call REST action here: