Apply a Template to a Form

To apply a form template to a dynamic form:
  1. In the rule set editor, click the name of the layout you want to work on.
  2. While the form is selected, click Use Template in the Properties pane.

    If a template has already been applied to the form and you want to switch to a different one (or remove it), click Select in the Properties pane.

  3. Select the template you want to apply in the Use Layout Template window. Click Select.

    The Use Layout Template window lists the available templates you can apply to your form layout.

    You can select Create a New Template to create a new form template.

When a template is applied to a form layout, the template name and the fields defined in the template are displayed above the list of fields in the layout. In this image of the layout editor, you can see the header displays the name of the template applied to the form layout (advFormTemplate) and the fields defined by the template (name).
Description of template-form-result.png follows
Description of the illustration template-form-result.png

If the template displays a field you don't want to appear in your form, you'll need to select a different template, or click Select in the Properties pane and select No Template in the Use Layout Template window to remove the template.