Resolve Upgrade Issues

When you access an application following an upgrade, VB Studio tries to update the application's metadata for compatibility with the newer version. If this update fails, VB Studio opens your application in recovery mode to let you manually resolve the issues and retry the upgrade.

In addition to server-side upgrade issues, recovery mode may be triggered if the JSON information in the application's configuration file (vb-extension.json) cannot be parsed. This can happen when there's an unresolved merge conflict or the JSON syntax is invalid. It can also occur when there's a version mismatch between your VB Studio instance and the environment's Unified Application. For example, if you're extending an App UI on VB Studio 23.01 with the underlying Unified Application on 22.10 (as indicated on the app-level Settings editor), opening the app will bring it up in recovery mode.

If your app launches in recovery mode, you no longer have access to the Navigator and Design view in the Designer. Use the subset of features (Source view, Code view, Audits, and Find in Files) that VB Studio makes available to find and resolve the issues that prevent the upgrade. The file information in the notification can help you navigate to the file that needs to be fixed.

Once you resolve all issues, click Migrate to restart and complete the upgrade. Click the button as often as required until all issues are resolved.