Change the Log Level

When using your browser to debug and resolve issues in your extension, you might want to change the log level to increase or decrease log messages.

You do this by adding vb_logConfig_level as a Local Storage key in your browser's developer tools section. Here's how to do this in Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome DevTools.
  2. Click the Application tab to open the Application panel.
  3. Expand the Local Storage menu, then locate your VB Studio instance.

  4. Scroll through the key-value pairs, then double-click the empty row at the very end.
  5. Enter vb_logConfig_level in the Key column, then enter one of these values in the Value column: error, warn, info, fine, or finer. Make sure you enclose the value in single or double quotation marks (' or ").

    With the log level set to info (as shown here), refresh your page and view granular information about your extension in the browser's console.
  6. It's also possible to set the log level in your browser's current session to temporarily troubleshoot issues. You do this using the sessionStorage.setItem() call in your browser's console.


    This setting requires your application to be on JET 14.0.6 or higher. Check the Settings editor to make sure your app uses a supported version. See Migrate Runtime Dependencies.
    1. Click the Console tab in the DevTools panel.
    2. Enter the following code in the console:
      sessionStorage.setItem('ojet.logLevel', 'loglevel')
      where loglevel can be none (least verbose), info, warning, error, or log (most verbose). For example:
      sessionStorage.setItem('ojet.logLevel', 'error')
    3. Refresh your browser and view updated information in the console.
    4. To reset the log level for your browser's current session, enter sessionStorage.removeItem("ojet.logLevel") in the console, then refresh your browser.