App extension page preview isn't displayed in the Designer

When working on an app extension, you might see a "Page cannot be previewed" message in the Designer if your browser is blocking access to your Oracle Cloud Application instance. To configure your browser to allow access:

  1. Configure the browser's cookies options in chrome://settings/cookies to "Allow all cookies" and specify "Sites that can always use cookies".
  2. Disable the browser's "SameSite by default cookies" flag by adding --disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies to the browser's startup parameters.

    If you're using Chrome 90 or older, you can disable the "SameSite by default cookies" flag in the browser's Flag options page (chrome://flags).

For more details on setting the browser options, see Resolving the error “Page cannot be previewed” in Extending Oracle Cloud Applications with Visual Builder Studio.