403 permission error when opening app extension in the Designer

VB Studio users might encounter a 403 permission error when opening an application extension in the Designer if they have not been granted the Oracle Cloud ASE_REST_SERVICE_ACCESS_IDENTITY_INTEGRATION_PRIV functional privilege.

All VB Studio users that work on application extensions need this privilege so they can access REST resources used in the Designer to retrieve the list of Oracle Applications Cloud user roles. A user might need to use the user roles when defining conditions in the display logic for dynamic components.

A security administrator with the IT Security Manager role can assign users a role that grants them the privilege:

  1. Sign into Oracle Applications Cloud and open the Security Console.
  2. In the Roles page, create a new CRM job role.
  3. Add the ASE_REST_SERVICE_ACCESS_IDENTITY_INTEGRATION_PRIV functional privilege to the role in the Create Role wizard.
  4. In the final step of the Create Role wizard, add the VB Studio users that need the privilege.

After the role is created, it can take up to 10 minutes for the new privilege to take effect.