Error using service connections based on business object URL

When creating or updating a service connection based on a business object URL, you might find that the service connection URL is automatically updated to vb-catalog://backends/ics or vb-catalog://backends/process if you have an OIC or Process instance configured as backends.

Backends are now mandatory for service connections, so Visual Builder tries to match the URL with any existing backend, and uses that backend if found. As a result, if OIC, Process, and business object URLs all point to the same instance, Visual Builder might try to use the same backend. To avoid this, you can do the following:

  1. Create a backend called BOBackend with the base URL of the business objects (for example, and the proper authentication and connection type. (To avoid problems, you might want to consult the service connection you are connecting to, and provide the same details in the backend).
  2. Then do the following:
    • For existing service connections based on business objects, replace the URL segment that is based on the BOBackend. An example is shown below, but your URL might be different and have more or fewer segments:
      "servers": [ 
         { "url": "", 
      "description" : "something""x-vb": { 
              "authentication": { 
                  "authenticated": { "type": "basic", "credentials": "vb_xxx" } 

      Change it to this:

      "servers": [
         { "url": "vb-catalog://backends/BOBackend/ic/builder/rt/someapp/1.0.4/resources"

      Test the service connection in the Test tab to confirm it works as expected.

    • For creating new service connections based on business objects, first select the BOBackend in the URL, and then add the remaining part comprising the URL.