Add and Manage Files in a Snippet

You must be the snippet's creator to add or manage its files:

Action How To

Add a file

  1. Open the snippet.

  2. Scroll down and after the snippet’s files, click Add File.

  3. In the header, enter the file name with extension. In the editor, enter the file’s content.

    The editor supports various code editing features such as autocomplete, indentation, syntax highlighting, code folding, and bracket matching.

  4. After adding the content, scroll up and at the top of the page, click Save.

    To save the updates and stay on the Edit Snippet page, select Save To save the updates and exit, select Save and Exit.

Edit a file

  1. Open the snippet.

  2. If necessary, rename the file and configure its properties.

  3. In the editor, update the file contents.

  4. At the top of the page, click Save.

    To save the updates and stay on the Edit Snippet page, select Save To save the updates and exit, select Save and Exit.

Delete a file

  1. Open the snippet.

  2. For the file that you want to delete, on the right side of the file header, click Remove File the Delete icon.

  3. In the Delete Snippet File dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

  4. At the top of the page, click Save.

    To save the updates and stay on the Edit Snippet page, select Save To save the updates and exit, select Save and Exit.