Associate a VB Studio Issue with a Commit

When you save changes to a Git repository, you might want to link a VB Studio issue that’s assigned to you with the commit.

To associate an issue with a commit, add Task-URL: <issue-url> in the commit message:

git commit -AM "Update for Issue 4 Task-URL:"

If the commit is successful, the SHA-1 checksum hash of the commit will be added to the issue. If you want, you can open the issue in the Issues page, locate the commit link in the Commits section under Associations, open the commit, and verify the SHA-1 checksum hash.

Alternatively, you could use an abbreviated form, such as "Update for Issue4" in the commit message and you'd see a link to both the commit and the issue in the Activities feed. There wouldn't, however, be a link in the Commits section under Associations in the Issues page.