Close a Merge Request

You must close a merge request after the review branch has been merged. However, it isn’t necessary to merge the review branch to the target branch before closing a merge request. You can close a merge request if it was created by mistake or if you just don’t want to merge the review branch to the target branch.

Make sure that you perform any needed merge actions before you close the request because once a merge request is closed, you can’t merge the review branch, add comments, or review the source code:

  1. Open the merge request.
  2. Click Close.
  3. Complete the elements of the Close Merge Request dialog box:
    • To change the review status to Merged and close the review, select the Close as Merged check box. You may choose the Close as Merged option if the review branch was merged through some other means (such as the Git CLI or though the git cherry-pick command).

    • If you don’t select the Close as Merged check box, the merge request is closed without changing the review status to Merged. You may want to do this if the merge request was created on the wrong branch or created by mistake.

  4. Click OK.