Configure Edit and Delete Rights for Wiki Pages

You can set up edit permissions so users can edit the wiki content, create child pages, or restore deleted versions. You can set up delete permissions so users can delete a wiki page or remove a version from the Page History tab.

Access rights are granted to a project role, not to a particular user. A project owners can always edit or delete any wiki page and can grant edit and delete rights to other roles. If you created a wiki page, you can assign its edit and delete access to other roles.

As a project member, you could lose your edit or delete rights for the page you create if you allow other users to edit its access rights and then another user changes the edit or delete rights to Owners only.

To change edit and delete permissions for a wiki page:

  1. Open the wiki page.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click the Access Rights tab.
  4. From the Edit Access list or the Delete Access list, select the project role. By default, it’s set to Members and Owners.
    Select this option ... To assign the access to ...


    All organization users. Use this option to enable all users in your organization to edit or delete the page.

    Members and Owners

    All project users. In a shared project, users in your organization can view the wiki page, but they can’t edit or delete it.


    Project owners only. Project members can view the page, but they can’t edit or delete it. In a shared project, organization users can also view the wiki page, but can’t edit or delete it.

  5. Click Save.