Configure Jobs and Pipelines with YAML

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization language that is commonly used for configuration files. To find more about YAML, see

In VB Studio, you can use a YAML file (a file with .yml extension) to store a job or pipeline configuration in any of the project's Git repositories. The build system constantly monitors the Git repositories and, when it detects a YAML file, creates or updates a job or a pipeline with the configuration specified in the YAML file.

Here's an example with a YAML file that configures a job:

  name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build Executor Template
  - url: ""
    branch: main
    repo-name: origin
  - shell:
      script: "echo Build Number: $BUILD_NUMBER"
  - maven:
      goals: clean install
      pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"
  - artifacts:
      include: "employees-app/target/*"
    - discard-old:
        days-to-keep-build: 5
        builds-to-keep: 10
        days-to-keep-artifacts: 5
        artifacts-to-keep: 10