Configure a PagerDuty Webhook in VB Studio to Send Event Notifications

The PagerDuty webhook is a outgoing webhook used to send VB Studio event notifications to a PagerDuty account.

The project owner can create and configure a webhook:

  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration.
  2. Click Webhooks.
  3. Click + Create Webhook.
  4. From Type, select PagerDuty.
  5. In Name, enter a unique name.
  6. In API Key, enter the API key of the PagerDuty service.
  7. In Service, select the desired PagerDuty service from the list. The webhook sends event notifications to the selected service.
  8. In Sender, select the PagerDuty registered user whose name will be attached to the events sent by the webhook.
  9. In Event Groups, select the events that trigger the webhook.
    If you selected the Select specific events option, in Events, select the check boxes of events that trigger the webhook.
  10. Click Done.