Copy Distribution Management Snippets

To upload or download dependencies while running a build, add the Distribution Management snippet or the Dependency Declaration snippet to the POM file.

Action How To

Copy the Distribution Management snippet

  1. In the Browse view, navigate to the root directory.

  2. In the Respository Configuration section, click the Deploy Settings tab and expand Distribution Management.

  3. In the Maven tab, click Copy Copy to clipboard to copy the <distributionManagement> code snippet to the clipboard.

  4. Open your project's pom.xml file in a code editor (or text editor) and paste the contents you copied under the <project> element.

Copy the Dependency Declaration snippet

  1. Browse the Maven repository and select the artifact.

    You can also click the Artifact Search tab to search for and locate the artifact, then click its name to open it in the Browse view.

  2. In the Artifact Details section, expand Dependency Declaration.

  3. In the Maven tab, click Copy Copy to clipboard to copy the <dependency> code snippet to the clipboard.

  4. Open the pom.xml file of your project in a code editor (or text editor) and paste the contents you copied under the <dependencies> element.


You can copy the Maven repository’s URL from the distribution snippet or you can copy it from the Project Home page.

On the Project Home page, click the Repositories tab. In the Maven section, from the project repository's URLs menu, select HTTPS or Webdav, and click Copy Copy to clipboard to copy either the HTTPS or the WebDAV URL to the clipboard.

Use the HTTPS URL to connect to the Maven repository using the HTTP protocol. Use the Webdav URL to connect to the repository using the Webdav protocol.