Create Issues

You can create an issue from the Issues page or from the REST API. When you create an issue, it gets assigned a unique ID and is added to the issues list on the Issues page.

When you create an issue, you specify its summary, type, severity and priority, due date, tags, and release. You can assign the issue to a team member or to yourself, or leave the field blank to assign the issue later to a team member.

Create an Issue from the Issues Page

You can create an issue from the Issues page:
  1. In the left navigator, click Issues Issues.
  2. Click New Issue.
  3. On the New Issue page, in Summary and Description, enter the issue’s title and description.
  4. In Details, specify the issue type, its severity and priority, product details, release, ownership, and project tags.
  5. In Time, specify the due date and estimate (in days).
    One day is estimated of 8 hours. To specify 3 hours, enter 0.375. To specify 2 days and 2 hours, enter 2.250.
  6. In Agile, specify the effort estimate in Agile story points.
  7. If there are any custom fields defined in your project, fill in the details, as required.
  8. Click Create Issue.


VB Studio doesn't provide an option in the user interface for deleting an issue and doesn't provide the means to perform such a deletion from the service's backend database, even with administrative permissions. Instead, you should resolve and close the issue, using one of the available fields (such as Entered in error, Duplicate, Other) and add a comment explaining the reason.