Cumulative Flow Charts

Cumulative Flow Charts display the total number of issues for each of the board's progress states over time.

Cumulative Flow Charts are available in Scrum boards and Kanban boards for issues only:

  1. Open the board.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. If you are using a Scrum board, click Sprint Sprint. If you’re using a Kanban board, click Issues Issues.

  4. Click the Cumulative Flow Chart tab.

Scrum Boards

A Cumulative Flow Chart displays the total number of issues in each of the board's progress states over time for the active sprint. The issues that are listed in the chart are the same issues that the Sprint Report displays.

These events can change the number of issues in a progress state:

  • An issue is added to the sprint

  • An issue is removed from the sprint

  • An issue’s progress state in the sprint changes because its status or resolution changes

The Configure Board page shows the progress states that correspond to the board's current list. The chart is a stacked area chart that enables you to see the number of issues in each progress state and the total number of issues in the sprint at any given point on the timeline. The color for each progress state is randomly assigned. By clicking the progress state names in the chart legend, you can show or hide them. The events table has a column for each progress state and shows the number of issues for each progress state that’s affected by the event.

Kanban Boards

A Cumulative Flow Chart displays the total number of issues in each of the board's progress states over time for the Active Issues or an archive. The issues listed in the chart are the same as those that are displayed in the Issues Report.

These events can change the number of issues in a progress state:

  • An issue is added to active issues or an archive

  • An issue is removed from active issues or an archive

  • An issue’s progress state in active issues or an archive changes because its status or resolution was changed

The Configure Board page shows the progress states that correspond to the board's current list. The chart is a stacked area chart that enables you to see the number of issues in each progress state and the total number of issues in the sprint at any given point on the timeline. The color for each progress state is randomly assigned. By clicking the progress state names in the chart legend, you can show or hide them. The events table has a column for each progress state and shows the number of issues for each progress state that’s affected by the event.