Delete a Project from the Organization Page

A project owner (or organization administrator) can delete a project from the Projects tab on the Organization page:

  1. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  2. Click Projects.
  3. (Optional) In the Projects tab, select Owner to show a project list that contains all the projects that you own.
    If you skip this step, you'll notice that some projects don't display an action menu. You don't own those projects.
  4. Click Action the Action Menu icon, and select Delete to delete the selected project.

    The Delete Project dialog is displayed. Cancel is available initially but Delete is only available after you select the checkbox to acknowledge the pending deletion.

    You'll only see this checkbox if you delete a project as the project owner (not as an organization administrator) or, if you are permanently deleting the project as an organization administrator. When an organization administrator simply deletes a project, the checkbox isn't shown.

  5. Select the checkbox, and then click Delete.

    Completed Delete Project dialog

Organization administrators have additional deletion options. From the project list, they can select a single project before clicking Action the Action Menu icon or Update # Selected Projects for a single or multiple projects, where these options are available, depending on the project(s) selected:
  • Delete an active project
  • Postpone the permanent deletion of a deleted project
  • Remove a deleted project (or projects) forever
  • Undelete a deleted project