Display RSS/ATOM Feeds

Some websites use ATOM and RSS feeds to publish news feeds. You can subscribe to the RSS/ATOM feeds and configure your project to display them in the Recent Activities feed of the Project Home page. All project members can see the feed. You can add any RSS/ATOM feed, including Oracle-approved RSS feeds, news, site monitors, and Jenkins or Hudson servers.

To configure RSS/ATOM feeds, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration.
  2. Click RSS/ATOM Feeds.
Action How To

Create an RSS/ATOM Feeds handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, click + New Handler.

  2. In Name, enter the name of the handler.

  3. In URL, enter the URL of the feed.

  4. From Display Type, select the feed’s display type.

  5. In Fetch Interval, enter the feed’s fetch interval. By default, the interval is set to 1 day.

    For the fetch interval period, the feed results are cached. All requests during the interval period retrieve the cached results. When the time expires the cache is cleared. The next request would check for the cached results and not find them and proceed to fetch a new copy to be cached.

  6. Click Done.

Test a feed handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Test .

  3. Click Done.

If the test is successful, the status icon changes from Untested untested to Tested tested. If the test fails, the status icon changes to Failed failed.

View logs

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Logs.

  3. Click Done.

In the Logs page, all Request and Response logs of each test are available. Select the date-time stamp in the left list of the test to view its logs.

Edit a feed’s handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Edit the fields on the left.

  3. Click Done.

Deactivate or activate a handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Deactivate. The icon of the feeds handler is greyed out and the Active check box is deselected.

    To activate the feeds handler, click Activate or select the Active check box.

  3. Click Done.

Delete a handler

  1. On the RSS/ATOM Feeds page, select the feed.

  2. Click Remove or Remove.

  3. In the Remove ATOM/RSS Handler dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

  4. Click Done.