The image shows the Approval Details dialog. There is an X icon at the top right of the header for closing the dialog. The text "(Approval^_1)" appears to the right of the title. This tells you that this is the dialog for the first approval. Below the header are two status lines. The first line reads, "Minimum number of approvers before pipeline can proceed: 2"; the second line reads, "Approvals remaining to continue pipeline: 1". Below the text is a two-row three-column table with these column heads: Approver, Required, Status. The first row shows Alex Admin [alex.admin-dev] with an email address of is a required approver, and he has approved continuing the pipeline build. The second row shows Alex Admin [alex.admin-test] with an email address of is a required approver, and he has not approved continuing the pipeline build yet. There are three buttons to the right at the bottom of the dialog: Cancel, Reject, Approve. The Approve button is black.