The image shows the left navigator with Project Home selected. The Project Home page to the right of the left navigator shows the menu bar at the top of the page with cmakoproject14, the name of the selected project, on the left, and Project Home to its right. Below the menu bar there is a DESIGNER pane, with a small triangle used to close the pane to the left of its label. Three columns are shown, from left to right, Workspace, Repository, and environment, with a partially obscured date column to its right. There are two rows, below the pane's column headings, showing two workspaces. The first row shows, from left to right, vb1206 (Workspace name), visual-application.git (Repository name) above Visual Application (the template used to create the project), Development (Environment name), and yesterday (Date Created). The second row shows CompTest (Workspace name), CompExch.git (Repository name) above Visual Application (the template used to create the project), Development (Environment name), and December 10, 2019 (Date Created). The partially obscured Repositories pane is shown to the right of the Designer pane.