With an Initial Git Repository

If you plan to upload application files soon after you create a project, you should create a project with an initial Git repository. You can choose the Git repository to be empty, populated with a readme file, or populated with data imported from another Git repository:

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create.
  2. On the Project Details page of the New Project wizard, in Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy:
    1. Select Private to restrict access to project members only.

      Select the Discoverable checkbox to allow organization members that aren't org admins or project members to see basic information, such as name and owner contact information, about your private project. Private projects that aren't discoverable won't be exposed to non-members.

    2. Select Shared to make the project code, wiki docs, tasks, and builds available to anyone inside your organization.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Template page, select Initial Repository, and click Next.
  6. On the Project Properties page, from Wiki Markup, select the project’s wiki markup language.
    Project team members use the markup language to format wiki pages and comments.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Team page:
    1. Click Add Members and select users or groups to add to the project, from the list displayed, if you know they may work in this project.
    2. Select the membership (Project Owner, Developer Full Access, Developer Limited Access, or Contributor) that the members you're adding will have in the project:
      See What Are Project Memberships? for more information about each membership.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat substeps a, b, and c for different users and groups with various membership types, if needed.
  9. In Initial Repository, specify how to initialize the Git repository.
    • If you prefer a blank repository or want to push a local Git repository to the project, select Empty Repository.

    • Some Git clients can’t clone an empty Git repository. Select Initialize repository with README file if you’re using such a client. VB Studio creates a readme.md file in the Git repository.

      You can edit the contents of the readme.md file after creating the project, or delete the file if you don’t want to use it.

    • To import a Git repository from another platform such as GitHub or Bitbucket, or from another project, select Import existing repository.

      In the text box, enter the external Git repository's URL. If the repository is password protected, enter the credentials in Username and Password. Note that VB Studio doesn’t store your credentials.

  10. Click Finish.