Manage Announcements

Project announcements are messages displayed on the Project Home page, between the Environments panel and the Recent Activity feed:

Announcements section on the Project Home page

To create an announcement, follow these steps:

  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration.
  2. Click Announcements.
Action How To

Create an announcement

  1. On the Announcements page, click + New Announcement.

  2. In Name and Contents, enter name and announcement’s text.

    You can use the project’s wiki markup to format the text.

  3. Upload an icon, if necessary. The icon's size must be 48x48 pixels.

  4. Click Done.

Copy an announcement

Instead of creating an announcement, you can copy the contents and icon of an existing announcement, and edit it.

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement to copy.

  2. Click Copy Announcement.

  3. Edit the details in the Create Announcement page.

  4. Click Done.

View or edit an announcement

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement.

  2. In the Announcement section to the right of the list, view or edit the announcement’s details.

Any changes made to the fields are saved immediately when the focus moves out of the field.

Deactivate or activate an announcement

If you don’t want to display an announcement and don’t want to delete it either, you can deactivate it. Deactivated announcements aren’t visible on the Project Home page. Later, if you want, you can activate it and make it visible.

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement.

  2. Click Deactivate or Activate.

    The deactivated announcement will be greyed-out in the Announcements list.

Delete an announcement

  1. In the Announcements list, select the announcement.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. In the Delete Announcement dialog box, click Yes to confirm.