Manage an Environment

After creating an environment and adding instances to it, you can manage its instances, as shown here:

Action How To

Edit an environment's name and description

In the Details tab, click Edit. Edit the details and click Save.

Refresh a service instance's status

In the Service Instances tab, mouse-over the service instance, click Actions the Actions Menu icon, and select Refresh Status to refresh and check the current status of the service.

Check a service instance's response time The Response Time column provides information about the service instance:
  • A green dot indicates that the response time is less than 5 seconds.
  • A yellow dot indicates that the response time was between 5 and 30 seconds.
  • A red dot indicates that the response time was greater than 30 seconds or that the connection timed out.
Edit a service instance's credentials In the Service Instances tab, mouse-over the Oracle Cloud Application, Visual Builder runtime, or Oracle Integration runtime service instance, click Actions the Actions Menu icon, and select Edit Credentials. The Edit Credentials dialog is displayed. Edit the Username and Password fields to change the credentials you use to log in to the application, then click the Update button.

Remove an instance from an environment

In the Service Instances tab, mouse-over the service instance, click Actions the Actions Menu icon, and select Remove.

An instance can't be removed if it's associated with any workspace. If you try, an error message displays, listing the impacted users and the number of workspaces they have. You'll be instructed to ask those users to delete their workspaces. Once this has been done, you can go back and retry the Remove operation.


An IDCS resource cannot be removed from an environment if the instance is in another identity stripe. Nobody can remove an IDCS resource from a different identity stripe from an environment, but the project owner can still delete the entire environment. In addition, an IDCS resource from a second identity stripe cannot be added into the same environment.

Delete an environment

In the environments list, mouse-over the environment, click Actions the Actions Menu icon, and select Delete.

Remember that environment's service instances won’t be deleted.

An environment can't be deleted if it's associated with any workspace. If you try, you'll see an error message listing the impacted users and the number of workspaces they have. You'll be instructed to ask those users to delete their workspaces. After they do that, you can go back and try to delete the environment again.


Project owners are the only project team members who can delete environments that were created in a different identity stripe. If a project member with the Developer role attempts this operation, they'll see an error message informing them that they can't delete an environment that has resources from another identity stripe.