Publish Javadoc

If your application source code files are configured to generate Javadoc, you can configure a job to publish Javadocs when a build runs:

  1. Open the job’s configuration page.
  2. Click the After Build tab.
  3. From Add After Build Action, select Javadoc Publisher.
  4. In Javadoc Directory, specify the workspace path where the build executor would publish the generated Javadoc. By default, the path is set to target/site/apidocs .
  5. To configure the build executor to retain Javadoc for each successful build, select the Retain Javadoc for each build check box.
    You may want to enable this otion if you have a need to browse Javadoc of older builds, but be cognizant that this practice will consume more disk space that not retaining those older Javadocs. By default, the check box isn’t selected.
  6. Click Save.