Select and Publish Packages from the NPM Page

Here's how you can use the NPM page to select and publish a JS package (or multiple packages):

  1. Open the project's NPM page.
  2. Open the Publish tab.
  3. Drag and drop the Node.js package(s) you want to publish to the upload area or click in the area to bring up a file browser for locating and selecting the package(s) to upload.

    The upload infrastructure expects a tarball (or multiple tarballs) created using Gzip. In other words, it expects a file (or files) with a .tar, .tar.gz, or .tgz file extension. The names, sizes, and upload statuses of the file(s) to be uploaded are displayed in an area below the upload area.

  4. Under the Specify NPM identifiers section, select the package layout used for the upload operation.

    The options are:
    • Let VB Studio derive the internal package file(s) from the internal package name(s) of the selected tarball(s).

      This is the default option for selections with multiple tarballs. The tarball’s (or tarballs') internal package file(s) are used to determine the target upload path.

    • Specify the NPM identifiers that will be used to rename the packages manually and VB Studio will derive the layout from the Scope, package Name (required), Version (Required), and Tags fields.

      With this option, the target upload path is determined from the specified fields' values. This option is useful for publishing a downloaded tarball under a custom folder layout created with the values of the specified NPM identifiers.

    If you selected a single file to upload, you can override the default automatic option and manually specify the identifiers, but if you selected multiple files, the manual option isn't available.

  5. Generate or update metadata files is selected by default, but you can deselect it.
  6. If you selected to manually define the fields, Target path where the selected packages will be published will display the package's new path using the specified scope and name NPM identifiers.

    Verify that it is what you expected (and wanted).

  7. Click The Publish to NPM icon Publish to NPM.