Set Up a Git Client

You can use use any Git client, such as the Git command-line interface (CLI), to access Git repositories from your computer. However, you cannot access projects, issues, and builds from a Git client.

Git Command-Line Interface

Before you can use a Git client to access your project's Git repository, you must first install and configure it on your computer. The Git command line-interface (CLI) is the most popular Git client.

Here's how to download, install, and configure the Git CLI:

  1. Download and install the Git CLI.

    On Windows, use the Git Bash CLI to access project Git repositories. You can download Git Bash (version 1.8.x or later) from

    On Linux and Unix, install Git using the preferred package manager. You can download Git for Linux and Unix from

  2. The VB Studio pages display your username and email address as the committer's name and email ID. Configure variables to set up your name and email address:

    • To configure your user name, set the variable:

      git config --global "John Doe"

    • To configure your email address, set the variable:

      git config --global ""

    • To disable SSL or configure the proxy server, set the http.sslVerify or http.proxy variables:

      git config --global http.sslVerify false

      git config --global http.proxy


To find out the value of a variable, use the git config <variable> command:

git config

Upload Your Public SSH Key

Before you can connect to a Git repository using SSH, you must first generate a private-public RSA SSH key pair and upload the public key to VB Studio. If you use multiple computers to access Git repositories, you need to generate an SSH key pair from each computer and upload its public key.

VB Studio uses SSH protocol, version 2. For user authentication, VB Studio supports the ssh-ed25519 and the ssh-rsa algorithms for key types. The ed25519 algorithm is preferred. For the host verification, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, and ssh-rsa are supported. The RSA algorithm is the original one; the other two were added as alternatives for verifying the host.


In 24.04.0, there is an important change in SSH-RSA handling. VB Studio no longer supports the SSH-RSA (SHA1) signature scheme. This can be a problem for the old OpenSSH client (OpenSSH_7.4p1) and some of the older clients (OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips). Modern clients, such as OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.4, and OpenSSL 3.0.2, support rsa-sha2-512 and rsa-sha2-256.

Generate an SSH Key

To generate an RSA SSH key pair, you can use any SSH client, including the Git CLI.

These steps assume you’re using Git CLI to generate the SSH keys:
  1. Open the Git CLI.
  2. On the command prompt, enter ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa.


    A key generated using ssh-keygen -t rsa would work as long as Git clone operations are performed from inside the Git command line interface. However, if you take that key out of the Git cli to use elsewhere, it won't work for several services, including Oracle Cloud services and Azure. The recommended way to generate a key is by always including the -m PEM switch, as in ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa. This ensures that the key will work for most services, including Azure and Oracle OCI.

    To generate a larger key, enter ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096.

  3. When prompted, enter a file name for the key and press Enter.
    If you don’t want to specify a file name, leave the name blank and press Enter. By default, the key pair files are saved as and id_rsa in the .ssh sub-directory under the Git HOME directory. For example, on Windows, the files are saved in C:\Users\<USER_PROFILE>\.ssh\.
  4. Enter a passphrase and press Enter. If you don’t want to specify a passphrase, leave it blank and press Enter.
    When prompted to confirm the passphrase, enter the same passphrase. If you didn’t specify a passphrase earlier, leave it blank and press Enter.

By default, Git CLI access the C:\Users\<USER_PROFILE>\.ssh\ directory to locate the private key. If you are using another Git client, you may need to configure it to access the private SSH key. Check your Git client’s documentation to find out how to do that.

Add the Public SSH Key to Your VB Studio Account

After generating an SSH private-public key pair, add the public key to your User Preferences page’s Authentication tab.

  1. On the computer where you generated the SSH key pair, navigate to the directory where the public key is saved.
  2. Open the public key file in a text editor, select the contents, and copy them to the clipboard.
  3. In VB Studio, click the user avatar and select Preferences.
  4. Click the Authentication tab.
  5. Click Add Key.
  6. In the New SSH Key dialog box, enter a unique name and paste the SSH key that you copied in Step 2.
  7. Click Create.
  8. To the left of the User Preferences title, click Back to return to the last opened page.