Sort Maven Artifacts and Snapshots

From the Maven Browse tab, you can also sort artifacts based on name, size, and last updated date. You can also use the sorting facility to order snapshots using the same criteria in your Maven project's Snapshots folder.

To sort Maven artifacts:

  1. In the left navigator, click Maven Maven.
  2. If necessary, on the right side of the page, click the Browse tab.
    The Browse window is displayed, showing artifacts.

    Maven Browse page showing three columns (Name, Size, Last Updated) that can be sorted in ascending or descending order by using the up and down arrows in each column

  3. Use the Sort Ascending and Sort Descending Sort Ascending/Sort Descending icon arrows to sort the Name, Size, and Last Updated columns in ascending or descending alphabetic, numeric, or oldest/newest order.

    The sort settings are remembered for the duration of the session, but revert back to the default setting after you open a new browser window. Being able to sort this way can be very useful when you want to analyze artifacts for retention, based on their size and how frequently they have been used, which you can see from the last updated date. The default setting is Last Updated, in descending order. With this default, the most recently modified folders/files are shown at the top.

If the list still has too many items to go through, you may want to do a basic or advanced search for a particular artifact or group of artifacts. See Search Artifacts.