Sprint Reports

Sprint Reports show completed and open (not yet completed) issues in a sprint.

Sprint Reports are available for sprints in Scrum boards only:

  1. Open the board.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. If necessary, click Sprint.

  4. Click the Sprint Report tab. The Sprint Report chart for your active sprint is displayed.

    • To select a different sprint, select it from the Sprint drop-down list.

    • To select a different estimate criterion, select Estimated Days, Story Points, or Number of Issues from the Burndown drop-down list. The Y-axis in the chart reflects this setting.

A Sprint Report provides a day-by-day progress report, with much of the same information that’s in the burndown chart, although in a slightly different format. The Sprint Report shows the list of issues in each sprint. It provides useful information for your Sprint Retrospective meeting and for mid-sprint progress checks. Mapping the statuses to your board determines when an issue is considered completed or not Completed. If you enabled time tracking for the board, the Sprint Report chart shows the number of days remaining in the sprint and the amount of time spent to date.

At the bottom of the page, the Sprint Report displays tables that show completed, open, and removed issues.